Saturday, February 11, 2012

Scarf Ladder

I had to show you a picture of the Scarf Ladder my husband built for me!  I have been complaining about having no place for my scarfs- which have been in a tote bag jumble-so he built me this fabulous ladder to hold them!  Now, I can see what I have for colors and styles!  He said it only cost him around $20.00 and the labor was FREE!  How cool is that!!


  1. That is so neat, thats a good idea he is such a good guy to do that for his wife so no more complaining. Mine just finished a holder made from PVC pipe for my ribbon. See it does good to complain sometimes. LOL! there is a method to our madness...he he.

  2. Wow Chris! Two thumbs up to your husband. I love the idea of a scarf ladder as I have mine draped over a coat hanger. Hmmm ... might have to ask the hubby about this one.
