Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Summer Fun 2016

It seems like forever since I have had time to post to my blog!  I am on vacation for the next 2 weeks and still have had trouble finding the time.  Plus it took me a bit to download pictures from my camera.  I have been making cards but have neglected to take any pictures of them before I gave them away!  Shame on me!   I wanted to share a few pictures of my Summer fun!  We went strawberry picking a couple of weekends ago!  We picked 8 quarts!  The strawberries were fabulous!! The picture below is of our Grandson, Everett.   I think we should have weighed him before he went into the field!!  He loves strawberries!!

My hubby made this wonderful Garden Pallet for me!  I hardly had to push him to do it !!  We have planted herbs in it!  I just love it because it can sit on our deck and it so easy to go and pick the herbs!!

The bureau was my mother in law, Queenie's bureau. I wanted to use in on the front deck for fun.  I took I from this....

to this..  I am going to set some plants inside some of the drawers.  I love this color!

Here are the last 2 projects-  My hubby helped me put together the 2 barrels for my iron pump to sit on.  The barrels are from Christmas Tree shops.  Hubby stained them and spray painted the insides with a rubber product so that won't rot as fast. 
My last project was this old chair I bought at a yard sale that had no seat.  I used it to make a planter in the seat.  This sits on my front porch. So you can see I have been busy!!  But I want to get back in my Craft Room!  The weather has been really nice so it's been hard not to be outside.  I will be back  with some more projects to share.. soon ..I hope.. Have fun!


1 comment:

  1. You have been a busy, busy girl! Love the picture of Everett! Great job Tom!
