Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just a quick post to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!  We are going to my sister, Rochelle's house for our feast today.  It is always fun to get together with family and friends!  I made the pie in the picture above.  The last time I made a pie was last Thanksgiving!  I like to buy pies.  But this one was a recipe on Pinterest.  Looks wise- I think it came out better than I thought it would.  I will have to let you know about the taste.  It actually wasn't that hard to make- I did buy the crust though.... I still count it as homemade.  I love those pre-made crusts!

Of course, I have to share the card I made for my niece's virtual shower.  My sister, Phillis was up here from Georgia a few weeks ago- she is going to be a Grammy for the first time!  Her daughter, Danielle,  could not be here so my sisters and I decided to have a shower anyway!  We had Danielle on Skype and her Mom opened her gifts for her.  It was sooo much fun! 

I have made this type of card before but wanted to show you that I have been working in my craft room.  I have even finished all my Christmas cards!  Usually, I am working on them last minute.  Not his year!

This card does collapse so that you can mail it!  It is made from Tim Holtz's birdcage die.  I do have a tutorial on You tube that shows you how to make it. 

I do have so much to be thankful for this year- too numerous to list!  I am hoping that you all have a Fabulous Thanksgiving and eat lots of turkey!

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