Friday, March 24, 2017

Princess Birthday Card

Did you ever start a card with no idea of why?  That is me lately! I guess because I have just been to Disney and saw all these little girls running around in different Disney Princess dresses- I wanted to wear one too.... I mean make one too..!!!  So I started to do some Punch Art to see if I could recreate them.  What fun! 

I used the items in the picture below - along with the Oval Punch ( not in picture).

As always, I checked out Pinterest for some ideas!  I love this Screen Divider Card! I used both the front and the back of the card.
Check out the link below for instructions-

Also, I love this idea and I had the punch so I used it to create the top border. 

Anyway, I was finishing it up and thought... Who would want this card?  I have two adorable Grandsons - so no help there...  I thought of my niece's little girl, Amelia.  When I asked her Mom when her birthday was- It's March 28th!  Perfect!  I knew there was a reason I made this card!

Here are some close ups of the dresses!

I think I am adjusting to this retirement thing.  It really is different not going to work everyday.  I am working on cleaning the house - we sent 3 bags the size of trash bags to the Salvation Army last week!  I can't believe how much stuff accumulates!  Working in my craft room whenever I want is very cool too!  I think this retirement thing is growing on me!  Enjoy your day!


  1. What fun! I envy your retirement! Enjoy for those of us who will never see that day :)

  2. Love how the dresses look so good. I will have to try them for an Evy card.

  3. Disney dresses are fun to make! I made the Snow White one a few years ago for Mom's birthday because she was Mom's favorite Disney character and I think the first movie she saw. Love the way you displayed them!
