Monday, May 22, 2017

Garden Spot

I titled this post "Garden Spot" because I have been sooo busy outside working on the gardens around the house.  The weather has been so nice!  I will show you some pictures but first I wanted to share an album I made in my craft room!  Sometimes it is so hard to work in my craft room when the weather is nice outside!  But I fell in love with this album.  I first saw it on My Sisters Scrapper blog!  Ginger made several of these albums but she is using them for recipes.  I wanted mine to be for pictures. Here is the link to Ginger's recipe album.  Ginger also shows the link for Tamra Merrill's free instructions.  You join Tamra's  group on Facebook and can see all the cool free instruction videos she does.  She also has a great store!  I hope to buy some of her paper from her line for my albums! 

Check out the video below to see more of the album that I made!  Sorry about the audio- I think I was bumping into my camera!  Next time I won't have it so close to me!

Since I have retired, I wanted to work on the area around our Garden Shed.  The previous owners used this area for a playground for their Grand kids.  It is a challenge to plant in this area since it has a very strong "tarp" type lining about 6 inches down that I have to cut through in order to plant anything.   Hubby made the obelisk that I spray painted purple.  I have planted a Butterfly plant at the base.  I still have more plants to add. It's a work in progress!

Below, I added plants to this chandelier that I found at a flea market.  I spray painted this purple too!  It has lovely crystals hanging from it!  I love when the sun hits those!

I also spray painted an old chair I have used before.  This time pink! I love the pink  New Guinea Impatiens in it!  This is hanging on the front deck.

Lastly, I wanted to show my Pallet Garden that my hubby made for me last year.  I can't seem to grow herbs in it since last year they dried up on me.  I couldn't seem to water them enough.    I think the back deck is too hot for them.  So this year I am planting flowers.  We will see how that goes.

So you can see I have been busy!  I do want to make another photo album.  But the outdoors always calls to me this time of year.  I am working on a Succulent Garden using Stampin Up's succulent dies.  I will show pictures when it's done.  Memorial Day is coming!  Hope you make yours fun!

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