Saturday, August 5, 2017

Cupcake Throne Birthday

Just a quick post to show you that I have been working in my craft room.  The weather has been so nice it's hard to stay inside!!  I made this Cupcake Throne for a former co-worker's birthday.  I have made these before but I love how cute they are and how easy they are to make!

The back gives you plenty of space to add your sentiment.  There are several tutorials on Pinterest- here is one that you could use to make your box. 

The picture above shows the throne with a cupcake in it!  Very regal!  I used Stampin Up's Birthday Blasts die to make the back.  I love those balloons!  I am working feverishly in my Craft room since August seems to be full of family birthday's!  I will post some more photos soon!   Enjoy August - this month is flying by- It will be September before you know it!!

1 comment:

  1. Wicked cute. I am going to try this box the next time I want to surprise someone on their birthday.
