Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunflower Shaker Card

Whew!  It has been hot here!  Today, the humidity was a little better! Thank Goodness!  But I think it's coming back mid week. Boo!  I need to focus on how fast Winter is approaching!  That always works for me! 
This is a quick post just to show you that I am making cards!  My craft room is hot so it doesn't seem to be calling me as much lately.   I made the Mason Jar on my Envelope Punch  Board.  Here is the link with the instructions on how to make it-
The picture below is of the inside of my card!

I am really into Shaker cards!  I love the gleam and shine of the sequins and/or beads.  I did make the envelope to match.    Hope your summer is going well!  You know if will be over before we know it!  ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. Love the mason jar. The flowers are great with the shaker "water" inside. Great job!
