Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Bird House Chandelier

I finished my Birdhouse Chandelier this week!  I found this broken chandelier when we went junk'in the last time- in fact I found 2 chandeliers.  I will show pics of the other at the end of this post.   I spray painted the chandelier after I had taped off the glass section.  Hubby cut the dowels to fit into the arms to make it easier to glue the birdhouses to them.   See the snow bank in the picture below?  We still had one big snow bank - even when the temp was around 70  degrees!  Thankfully, it has finally melted!

The fun part was painting all the bird houses!  I bought them from Joann's but I did sand the birdhouses after I painted them to give them a worn look.  Also, that covered any boo boo's I might have made with the paint.  It was fun trying to match colors to see what would work.  A glue gun worked to attach them to the chandelier.

I had some fun acrylic pieces that I glued to some of the bird houses.  Each house is a little different. 

Now to get hubby to hang it on our front porch! 

I am working on another few birdhouses to put out in the yard.  One BIG birdhouse is going to go to Everett, our grandson!  That is a work in progress- here's a peek-

And I am still working on a different chandelier - but I want to use it as a planter.  I will let you know how it turns out along with more pics of the bird house for Everett!  Have a great day!


  1. Love all your work and the displaying is super. Waiting to see the flower pot. Keep up the good work!

  2. Wowza! You are just so creative Chris. I can't wait to see how your chandelier planter turns out!
