Saturday, August 19, 2017

Bowling Birthday

My husband turned 65 this month!  We are celebrating his birthday with family tonight.  At the beginning of summer, we decided to take up bowling.  Mostly, because our kids took us at the holidays and we realized we really stunk at it since our Grandsons beat us !!!  So we decided we should take it up and practice so we could beat them!  We are having so much fun and we are a little better at it but I still don't think we are ready to beat anybody!

My sister and her husband come with us and that makes it fun too!  We even bought bowling shoes!  Hubby wants to buy his own ball but we haven't done that yet.   I did see one that had glitter in it!  How cool is that?!!

I was inspired by a card I saw on Pinterest.  But when I went to go link it so you could see hers too-  it is no where to be found.  If I can find it- I will be sure to give them credit!!

Can you believe it is almost September already?!  Today we went to Brunswick Maine's sidewalk Art Festival.  We try to go every year and this year is really felt bigger.  It has taken over the whole downtown.

Tom loved the hand carved fish!  This guy is really an artist - they looked so real!

I love looking at all the art work.  Really humbles you to see so many creative people.  The woman below was just painting out side of her tent.  Me..if I could paint.... I have to think it over ...mull over colors.... and then it would take me all day to even put on one brush stroke.   I loved this woman's creative energy!

This is her work below... 

This gentleman was carving right inside his tent.  Everything was beautiful!

The tents below are only one side of the street.  Thank goodness it did not rain while we were there.  It even felt like it might clear and be sunny!

There were several groups of musicians on both sides of the street.  It really makes the event festive to have music playing.  This group had a sort of Irish sound.   We saw a lot of creative people and their work.   I am feeling inspired to go work in my craft room.  Have a fabulous day!

1 comment:

  1. Love your card for Tom!! Your stamp set is adorable!! Brunswick's Art Festival looks busy and music too!!
