Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Bubbles, Bubbles everywhere!

I needed a card to send to my niece to celebrate the news that she is going to have a baby!  A new baby in the family who will be due sometime in January!! We will be going to another Gender Reveal party in September!  Can't wait to find out what she is having!!   My nephew is having a little girl soon , too -  due the end of August.   It is fun to welcome all these new babies into the family!!

Yes, this is another U Fold Box card.  I did see some of them on Pinterest where they were calling them Bridge Cards.  Either way, I do love making them!  It is my addictive personality that keeps me making this type of card.  I am working on a Halloween card and it is also a U Fold Box card.  I just keep coming up with the ideas for this card in my head.... I have to try them out!!!

For this one, I did not use the flap that goes in the middle that makes the "shelf".  I left if open, sort of like a card in a box, so I could add some bubbles.  The rest of the card is the same - I do cut mine to be 5 inches tall. It still collapses in order to mail it.

I used a lot of my Sizzix dies for the baby things - bottle, pacifier and rubber ducky and the little baby.  The bath tub and sink I cut freehand.  I do love the sentiment I found on the internet.  There is plenty of room to add it to the back of my card.

Hubby mailed the card for me this morning and I don't think my  niece looks at my blog- so I think I am good to post these pictures.  It has been a little humid here ( I hate humidity) but supposed to be cooler later today.  I need to do some yard work and have been putting it off... I will end this post with a picture of my Cone Flowers along the side my front porch.  I feel like this is the last of summer.  I do love fall but hate to say good bye to summer.  Ah, well....  Enjoy your day!


  1. I don't have time to comment on ALL your cards, but! I have to say - the U Fold Box Cards have been so much fun to look over!!

    1. You are too kind! I love seeing any comments! Thank you!

  2. This is just too ADORABLE, Chris! Thank you for posting photos of your card from different angles and of it completely I see how it works!

  3. Love the U fold card. The baby is so cute. I know Emma will love it. So easy to do , too.
