Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Haunted Bridge Card

I am wearing sweat pants and a sweat shirt on my morning walks now.  It 's too cold to wear my shorts!  Boo Hoo...  I know that signals the end of summer so now my mind has moved on to Halloween cards.  The card above is ...yes... another U Fold Box card or Bridge card!  I think it's a U Fold card if you use the "shelf" and maybe a Bridge card when you don't use the shelf?? Anyway, that is how I am going to tag it. 

You can see in the photo above that it is more like a Card in a Box with wings!  I love making this little Halloween scene.  I use these dies each year for my Halloween cards.  The gate is from Spellbinders.   The bats are from Karen Burniston's   Bat die- the big Bat is below.  The rest are Sizzix dies.

I am making one more Halloween card since I have 2 Grandson's but haven't quite finished it as yet.  I still have plenty of time to make it!  Will post it once it's completed.

Here is the picture that shows it in the closed position.  I love that I can still
mail this card if I want to- it usually costs more but worth it!

Last weekend we went to our Community park with Emily and Rob and Everett (grandson) and watched the Blue Angels fly overhead.  What fun and boy are they LOUD!  I didn't get great pictures since they fly FAST and my heart was beating FAST!  I caught a few that you can see below.   It was really awesome!  Hope they come again next year!


  1. I am going to miss summer, too. Your Halloween card is awesome. Love the gate. We will have to watch the Blue Angels with you next year.

  2. Chris ~

    What an AWESOME card!! I went back through your blog to see your similar creations and watched the video you noted in one of your posts. However, I was hoping you could tell me on this card ... the size of your cardstock when you started and where you made your score lines. Your flaps on the end look a little larger than the one made on the tutorial. I would love to use your dimensions!! Thank you for your help and the AWESOME inspiration!!

    Judy Rowland

  3. Hi Judy-
    I used the same dimensions from the video except I made my card 4 1/2 inches tall. But the length of my card stock was 11 3/4 inches - the same as the video. I am glad you like my card! I hope I get to see your card !!! Have fun- Chris

  4. Fabulous Halloween card, Chris! Love all the little details you added to make it extra special! Will have to check the link to the tutorial too.

  5. Love the way you used the gate!! Such a great card!! I remember watching the Blue Angels with you, Connie and Terri when we worked in Small Point!!! Remember???
