If you travel on Route One in Freeport- you have to stop at Cindy's! They have the best
Fried Clams! It is not a fancy place at all but those are the kind of places in Maine that can have the best food- Cindy's certainly has great food!
The coleslaw and Fish Chowder are wonderful! This is my husband's favorite place to get Fried Clams! He waits all winter for Cindy's to open. This is his Father's Day treat! You have to love the decor!
I am sure alot of people would not stop here because it is not a fancy looking place. But you are missing out if you come to Maine and don't stop here. LL Bean is about 2 miles down the road-another Maine landmark.
Our Grandson, Ezra, stayed with us last weekend! I love it when he comes to visit. This is the 1st ice cream cone he has eaten and not made a supreme mess all over the place. Boo Hoo... I think that means he is growing up! Not sure I like that so much!
He is getting every bite! I have been goofing off lately! I am working on several things...just can't seem to complete anything. I will be uploading soon but I wanted to share these photos. I hope everyone is having a fabulous Father's Day! I miss my own Dad on Father's Day. I have wonderful memories of time spent with my Father. I will love him always!
Albert E. Cook |