Lego Dragon
We went to Disney World and stayed at Board Walk the first week in February! The weather was fine - not hot but 60's and 70's. I loved it! Now that another winter storm is coming - I would go back in a wink! I wanted to share just a couple of pictures of our trip. Once I looked back at our pictures, I realized dragons seemed to be a theme for me. My grandson, Ezra, will love that!
Peter Pan Alligator/looked like a dragon to me. |
How cool is this dragon! It was a little cool the day of the parade so I was hoping this dragon would look my way. I could almost feel the heat from his mouth!!!
Parade Dragon |
One of my favorite dragons! I think it is Puff the Magic Dragon!!! I love him!
Light Parade Dragon
Anyway, I love Disney at night! Here are a few pictures of our trip at night! |
Epcot |
Epcot |
Epcot fireworks |
View from our room at Board Walk |
Last pictures- I love the candy store at Downtown Disney. I go in just to take pictures- maybe buy a couple of sweets too! I will end my post here- We had fun but it is great to be home to our new home. Can't wait til we go back to Disney again!!!
Yum! |