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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day 2025

 I have been busy making Valentine Treat Boxes for my Golf League!  They are such a fun group!  I love making something special for them!  I have made these treat boxes before but love the fact that I can decorate them different every time!

I ended up making about 20 of these cuties!  They hold a good amount of Hershey Kisses too!

My new thing is trying to get better at decorating cookies with Royal Icing!  I have made a couple of batches for our couples league and my hubby's buddies that play on Wednesdays.   

I did make a couple of mistakes!  I started watching You Tube videos and I know that I cut my
icing bag way too high.  I think I put too much icing in the bag too!  I had icing oozing out the end even though I have an elastic on it!  Frosting everywhere!   But it is so much fun!  These designs are wet on wet- I want to try some more designs and hopefully get better at it!!

Well, that is my update!  It is beautiful here in Florida!  The temps have been around 80 degrees and the outlook is for the 70's next week- which I prefer!  Hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day!!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Merry Christmas 2024


I finished making these adorable Gnome ornament candy holders for our Golf League!  Each one
is filled with candy and the opening is in the back.  The SVG file came from Dreaming Tree!  I love
that they have instructional videos (big help) and that they are so easy to make!

This year I wanted to make a Snow Globe for our Christmas cards.  I got the
SVG file from Lori Whitlock's on-line store.  This card was easy to make too! 

They fold up easily to be mailed! This picture shows the multi layers!

I think I made about 20 cards this year!  I really enjoy sending out 
Christmas cards!  

The last photos show our newest Christmas decoration that we acquired this year!
We got it on sale at Home Depot!  I have always wanted a Toy Soldier to put
outside our door!  This one is 6 feet tall and plays over 11 different tunes!  His eyes light up too!

I love that it looks like he is guarding our doorway!

Well, Time to end this post!  I am hopeful that everyone is healthy and happy this Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all!  See you next year!

Wait! I did promise a picture of our hanger Snowflake when they were hung up! They hang on the lanai side of our condo. What do you think?

The picture above is with Fairy lights on- The picture below is what it looks like during the day! I 
did use alot of those white plastic hangers!  Merry, Merry!!

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Just a quick post to share the turkey favors I made for our golf league. I used Stampin Up's Curvey Keepsake die for the body.  I had an svg file for the head and feathers. The body holds the candy!!

 My husband does not like turkey so I made a pumpkin turkey cake. Nordic ware has a great turkey pan that I used. You put the turkey together with frosting but I used too much. The turkey head was oozing frosting so I made him a hazmat mask...hope I do better the next time I make it!! 

Have a fabulous ThanksgivingDay!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Happy Halloween!!


I had to share this awesome Halloween decoration !
I bought this svg file from Dreaming Tree! I just love putting this together! My favorite is his face!  I love his outfit too!  Even my husband thought he was great! 
He is fabulous!

I don't have any Halloween decorations here in Florida! I have hung him on my door! We are not even sure we will get trick or treaters since we aren't usually here for Halloween. We shall see how many we get!!

I guess I am in a Christmas frame of mind! This die set was purchased from Tonic Studio!!! It's called Christmas Baubles! I love making these beautiful ornaments that open up and can be used for gift boxes!! I haven't used dies in quite awhile since I love using my Cricut machine for most of my projects. But I must say it was fun using these dies from Tonic. They are very good quality dies and it is very rewarding seeing these "baubles" come to life!  Of course it takes a little longer to make them but I do find papercrafting very relaxing!!

The other Christmas project I am working on is this snowflake made out of hangers! I have one done but want to make 2 more! I saw lots of these on Pinterest and had to try it!  I am going to use solar fairy lights and wrap them around the snowflakes! I will post pictures once I have finished this project.  Should be fun!

It is getting quite chilly back in Maine. I find it hard to relate here in Florida when the temps are in the 80s!! We are very grateful that we didn't have any damage to our property due to the hurricane! Those who weren't so lucky are in our thoughts!

I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween! Take care!

Monday, September 23, 2024

What happened to Summer?


Well, Summer is over and I didn't even post once!  I can't believe how fast it goes.  It doesn't help that I came down with pneumonia in August.  I am still trying to get rid of a cough.  So that is my excuse and I am sticking with it.

Last summer we had a tree taken down in our backyard.  I decided I wanted the stump to be a bottle tree.
The top picture is with the solar lights on but it wasn't quite dark. I do love how it came out.

I am still working on planting around the base of the stump.  I am hoping next year it fills in more!

These are Christmas items I am working on.  I bought a bunch of banana tree holders this summer.  I decided I wanted to hang some lighted ornaments from them.  Some of them I painted green but a few I left natural. I bought the star SVG from Etsy. I do like making them!

Do you like gnomes? I do!  This one is about 10.5 inches tall.  I bought this SVG from Etsy.  The Company is M3D crafts.  Love the mountain in the background. 

Lastly, the Angel is from Dreaming Tree.  I made a few of these last year.  They are
really fun to make so decided to make one for this year.  

Here it is lighted.  It is so pretty at night.

It won't be long before we head out for our home in Florida.  We are spending the next 6 months in sunny Florida... I hope.  I hear there is a hurricane brewing.  Should be interesting.  We are leaving a 
few weeks early.  I will be sorry to miss fall here in Maine.  The trees are so beautiful already!  
Hope all is well- will try and post more this winter!  Take care!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Summer is coming!

 Well, we have been back in Maine for about a month! It has finally warming up!! I have been busy making cards and gardening and playing golf!

The cards above were made from the SVG file from my Scrap Chick.  It is her freebie for the month! I love it! Easy to make too!!  It is such a cheery card- Don't you think!

I also purchased this SVG from My Scrap Chick because I love how the stars explode from the card. 
It is called a Tuxedo Card and Scrap Chick has a bunch of different designs. 


Just to show you I haven't been too lazy since I got home- I have been working on adding some rustic looks to my backyard.  I planted succulents in the teacups I got from the thrift store.  

I did paint this bike but I love all the rust that is on it and hope to add some more this season.  I also think I will add another basket of flowers to the rear of the bike. 

This birdcage was fun to do!  I love the purple color against the black.  It was a challenge since 
the opening is very small to put the flowers in.  But I can't wait to see how it does.   That is my update since we got home.  I will try and do better in posting items this summer.  I think it is going to be a fun one!  Take care!

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Happy St. Patrick's Day (past) & Happy Easter!

 Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Ok, it did get away from me! The time is just flying by here in Florida!  

There is so much to do here!  We did go to an Irish restaurant just before St. Patrick's Day!  We would never go on the actual holiday!  It was busy enough before the holiday- can't imagine what it would be like on the holiday!  Anyway, I made some St Patrick Day goodies for our golf league this year.  I got the SVG file from My Scrap Chick.  I just love their designs!

This Monday I will be bringing some Easter treats!  This SVG file was free from My Scrap Chick too!
I love the fact that they do provide a video that shows you how to put together the project!  I did add
some stuff to the back of the box- I love the cute bunny tail!  I also didn't use the dispenser since I added some wrapped candies to the box.  But the dispenser is a really cute idea!

Diamonds in the Ruff is the name of our golf league.  It is a fun bunch of women who love to have
a good time!  We might not be the best golfers but we do know how to have fun!

Our time here is very quickly coming to an end  I say that but I know that back home (Maine) just had
a big Snow and Ice storm!  We won't be heading back until that is all gone!  I hope!

Ask me how hard it will be to leave this beautiful place!  But I do feel the pull of home.  Our families are there and it is nice to be able to spend some time with them!  Hope everyone is well and having a fun time crafting!