We got the chance to spend a few hours with our Grandson yesterday! His mom was off island yesterday doing some Christmas shopping so we took Ezra and had some fun! First we took him to see the trains at the South Portland Mall. He loved watching the trains go around their tracks.
This year there are more trains than ever before! Also, the
kids get to act as conductors! They can make the trains move by just pressing a button! I love watching the expressions on the kids faces as they watch the trains start up!
I think Thomas the Train was Ezra's favorite!
This is such an adorable train and one of Ezra's favorite shows to watch! They really dress the train area up by using "fake" snow! I don't know who puts this together every year but they do a
fabulous job!
Here is a view of the Circus trains. Just one of the many trains they have on this display. We go because we want Ezra to see it... but I think my husband and I would go 'cause we love it too! This is for the child in all of us!
After the trains- we took Ezra too Cabela's to see the animals display! We also did some shopping too! It is quite an impressive display! Here are just a few pictures - there are many more animals to see than I have shown in these pictures! It is amazing that is right in the middle of the store!

We walked round and round this exhibit! My pictures don't do it justice! It is an amazing display! Ezra wanted to go in and touch the animals! They are sooo life like! You can really see the beauty of these animals up closer than you would ever get to them in life. Ezra had his picture taken with Santa too! All in all it was a fun afternoon!! Us big kids had a blast too!! It was a fun day seeing it all through the eyes of a child! My thoughts and prayers are with the families in Conn. It is hard to understand how someone could do something so unspeakable. I know I held onto our Grandson a little longer and said a prayer for all the ones lost that day.